5th International Conference on Arch Bridges
Madeira, Portugal
12-14 September 2007

Edited by:
Paulo B. Lourenço
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Daniel V. Oliveira
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Artur Portela
ISBN 978-972-8692-31-5
[001] Z. Orbán - UIC Project on assessment, inspection and maintenance of masonry arch railway bridges
[002] M. Gilbert - Limit analysis applied to masonry arch bridges: state-of-the-art and recent developments
[003] B. Chen - An overview of concrete and CFST arch bridges in China
[004] A. Adão da Fonseca - The Infant Dom Henrique Bridge over the River Douro, at Porto
Special session on dynamic testing of arch bridges |
[005] M. Xu, L.O. Santos, P. Silveira - Static and dynamic testing of the overpass bridge PS2
[006] B. Briseghella, N. Gallino, C. Gentile, T. Zordan - Finite element modelling of a tied arch bridge from operational modal analysis
[007] C. Gentile, N. Gallino - Ambient vibration-based investigation of the ""Victory"" arch bridge
[008] L.F. Ramos, P.B. Lourenço, G. De Roeck, A. Campos-Costa - Progressive damage analysis based on vibration signatures: An application to a masonry arch
[009] R. Alaggio, F. Benedettini, V. Gattulli - Identification and condition assessment of the "Villa Passo" reinforced concrete arch bridge
Investigation on historical bridges |
[010] L. Re, M. Fantone, B.V. De Vecchi - Bridges of the Napoleonic roads in north-western Italy
[011] C. Ceraldi, V. Mormone, E.R. Ermolli, M. Lippiello, V. Tempone - A scenographic solution for a Neapolitan bridge in the beginning of nineteenth century
[012] M. Lippiello, L. Bove, L. Dodaro, M.R. Gargiulo - The masonry bridges in Southern Italy: vestige to be preserved
[013] A. Guagnini - The bridges of Semmering: an audacious masonry work in order to connect Wien with Trieste
[014] S. Casiello, A. Pane, V. Russo, E. Vassallo - Restoring and reconstructing masonry bridges: researches in Campania (Italy)
[015] A. Saisi, L. Valsasnini - Multilevel approach to the analysis of the historic arch bridges in the Park of Monza
[016] A. Ciotta - Ponte Milvio in Rome. Building techniques and history of restoration work
[017] I. Papayianni, V. Pachta, A. Alexiou - Study of the constructing materials, techniques and pathology symptoms of the stone bridge DeBosset in Kefalonia
[018] D. Proske, J. Hübl - Historical arch bridges under horizontal loads
[019] M. F. Drdácky, Z. Slízková - Flood and post-flood performance of historic stone arch bridges
[020] Y. Yang, B. Chen, J. Gao - Timber arch bridges in China
[021] A. Dogangün, A. Ural - Characteristics of Anatolian stone arch bridges and a case study for Malabadi Bridge
[022] N.K. Hong, H.M. Koh, S.G. Hong, B.S. Bae, W.K. Yoon - Characteristics of historical arch bridges in Korea
[023] J.A. Paredes, J.A. Galindo, D.F. Mora - Brick arch bridges in the High Cauca region of Colombia (1718-1919)
[024] J.A. Martínez Martínez, J.L. Manjón Miguel - The mortar at the masonry bridges
[025] G. Cacciaguerra, M.P. Gatti - The story of the transformation of a structure: from arch bridge to...
[026] J. Radic - Arch Bridges made by Croatian builder Kruno Tonkovic
Monitoring, assessment and management processes |
[027] C. Melbourne, J. Wang, A. Tomor - A new masonry arch bridge assessment strategy (SMART)
[028] S. Lagomarsino, S. Resemini - The Prarolo railway arch bridge in Italy: structural assessment and analysis through traditional mechanical methods
[029] A. Outtier, H. De Backer, Ph. Van Bogaert - Assessment of the out-of-plane imperfections of a steel tied arch bridge
[030] J.H. Senker - Pennsylvania stone arch bridges: Evaluation and assessment
[031] Z. Ou, B. Chen - Stone arch bridges in Fujian, China
[032] B. Harvey, K. Ross, Z. Orban - A simple, first filter assessment for arch bridges
[033] A.K. Tomor, C. Melbourne - Monitoring masonry arch bridge response to traffic loading using acoustic emission techniques
[034] S. Lukschová, R. Prikryl, Z. Pertold - Petrographic examination of concrete from 20th century bridges and identification of reactive components
[035] J. Radic, A. Mandic, A. Kindij - Eurocode requirements on Adriatic arch bridges
[036] P. Tveit - Visit to the Steinkjer network arch 44 years later
[037] T.M. Roberts, T.G. Hughes - Serviceability of masonry arch railway bridges
[038] A. Arêde, P. Costa, A. Costa, C. Costa, L. Noites - Monitoring and testing of a new stone masonry arch bridge in Vila Fria, Portugal
[039] K.M. Shrestha, B. Chen - An overview on ''Arch Bridges in Nepal''
[040] J. Bien, T. Kaminski - Damages to masonry arch bridges - proposal for terminology unification
[041] E. Verstrynge, L. Schueremans, P. Smars, D. Van Gemert - Design and testing of masonry arches: a project of Bachelor students in Civil Engineering
[042] W. Fan, J. Zhang - Experimental research on fatigue of tubular-plate joints for concrete-filled steel tube arch bridges
[043] A. Brencich, C. Corradi, L. Gambarotta - Experimental and theoretical analysis of eccentrically loaded brickwork
[044] H. Lorenzo, P. Arias, J. Armesto, F. Rial, M. Pereira, A. Novo, B. Riveiro - Documentation and evaluation of historic masonry arch bridges by means of geomatic techniques
[045] M. Gilbert, C.C. Smith, J. Wang, Ph. A. Callaway, C. Melbourne - Small and large-scale experimental studies of soil-arch interaction in masonry bridges
[046] T. G. Hughes, L. Wu - The development of in-situ stress in masonry tunnels
Dynamic behaviour and seismic response |
[047] M.L. Beconcini, G. Buratti, P. Croce, M. Mengozzi, P. Orsini, M. Luise - Dynamic characterization of a five spans historical masonry arch-bridge
[048] W. De Corte, C. Delesie, Ph. Van Bogaert - Sealed tuned liquid column dampers: a cost effective solution for vibration damping of large arch hangers
[049] Ph. Van Bogaert, J. Thielemans, B. De Pauw - Wind load and gust effects on slender steel arches
[050] C. Gentile, A. Taliercio - The phenomenon of veering in the assessment of r.c. arch bridges
[051] M. Mautner, M. Reiterer - Measurements of dynamic deformation behaviour of masonry arch bridges
[052] S. Resemini, S. Lagomarsino - Displacement-based methods for the seismic assessment of masonry arch bridges
[053] F. da Porto, P. Franchetti, M. Grendene, L. Ranzato, M. Valluzzi, C. Modena - Structural capacity of masonry arch bridges to horizontal loads
[054] A. Sinopoli, F.T. Di Pasquale - Collapse analysis of Colosseum arcades by seismic events
[055] H. Liu, Y. Chen, B. Chen - Design and analysis of Wanbian Bridge in Fuzhou, China
[056] A. De Zotti, C. Pellegrino, C. Modena - A parametric study of the hanger arrangement in arch bridges
[057] A. Outtier, H. De Backer, Ph. Van Bogaert - Numerical approach to the lateral buckling of steel tied-arch bridges
[058] C. Sun, B. Chen, L. Zhao - Numerical Analysis of the behavior of Yingbin Bridge
[059] A.M. Boquera, A.A. Durá, I.B. Reig - Structural analysis for the diagnosis of crackings in the Gothic masonry structures of the vaults of Serranos Bridge in Valencia, Spain
[060] R. Schlegel, J. Will - Sensitivity analysis and parameter identification on historical masonry arch bridges
[061] J. Wang, C. Melbourne - Finite element analyses of soil-structure interaction in masonry arch bridges
[062] T. Kaminski - Three-dimensional modelling of masonry arch bridges based on predetermined planes of weakness
[063] T. Dede, A. Ural - A finite element program for historical stone arch bridges
[064] A. Ural, A. Dogangün - Arch bridges in East Blacksea Region of Turkey and effects of infill materials on a sample bridge
[065] G.P. Garrett - Analytical load rating of an open spandrel arch bridge: case study
[066] C. Costa, P. Costa, A. Arede, A. Costa - Structural design, modelling, material testing and construction of a new stone masonry arch bridge in Vila Fria, Portugal
[067] J.A. Martín-Caro, G. Morales - Numerical analysis of a load test on a skewed masonry arch bridge
[068] D.V. Oliveira, C. Maruccio, P.B. Lourenço - Numerical modelling of a load test on a masonry arch bridge
[069] C. Molins, P. Roca, J. Casas - Structural analysis of a large span masonry arch bridge under railway loads
[070] C. Molins, J. Casas, P. Roca - Ultimate capacity of a curved multi-span arch bridge subjected to railway loads
[071] W.J. Harvey, E.A.W. Maunder, A.C.A. Ramsay - The influence of spandrel wall construction on arch bridge behaviour
[072] A. Cavicchi, L. Gambarotta - Load carrying capacity of masonry bridges: numerical evaluation of the influence of fill and spandrels
[073] M. Betti, G.A. Drosopoulos, G.E. Stavroulakis - On the collapse analysis of single span masonry/stone arch bridges with fill interaction
[074] D. Aita, F. Foce, R. Barsotti, S. Bennati - Collapse of masonry arches in Romanesque and Gothic constructions
[075] M. Gilbert, D.P. Nguyen, C.C. Smith - Computational limit analysis of soil-arch interaction in masonry arch bridges
[076] A. Brencich, L. Gambarotta, E. Sterpi - Stochastic distribution of compressive strength: effects on the load carrying capacity of masonry arches
[077] A. Sinopoli, D. Aita, F. Foce - Further remarks on the collapse of masonry arches with coulomb friction
[078] E. De Rosa, F. Galizia - Evaluation of safety of pointed masonry arches through the Static Theorem of Limit Analysis
[079] G.A.F. Rouxinol, P. Providência, J.V. Lemos - Bridgemill bridge bearing capacity assessment by a discrete element method
[080] M. Lucchesi, B. Pintucchi, N. Zani - A constitutive equation for fiber-reinforced masonry arches
[081] G. Buffarini, P. Clemente, G. de Felice, A. Satta - Limit behaviour of partially reinforced masonry arch bridges
[082] Z. Zderic, J. Radic, A. Kindij - Mostar Old Bridge rehabilitation
[083] R.O. García-Catalán, L.E. Aldea - New tendencies on repair and strengthening on masonry arch bridges
[084] C. Mileto, F. Vegas - Restoration of bridges built with the dry stone technique
[085] F. Martins - Improvement, reinforcement and protection of the foundations of the Sernada do Vouga railway Bridge
[086] P. Shangguan, W. Zhuo - Repair and strengthening of two-way curved arch bridge
[087] S. Perez-Fadón, J.E. Herrero, L. Martín-Tereso, M. Sanchez - La Vicaria Arch over La Fuensanta reservoir
[088] Z. Zderic, A. Runjic, G. Hrelja - Design and construction of Cetina River arch bridge
[089] T. Mendonça - Footbrigde near School C+S in Guarda, Portugal
[090] M.P. Petrangeli - Prefabrication of medium span arch bridges
[091] H. Unterwieser, G. Schickhofer - From the fabrication to the maintenance - a report of the history of the Mur River Wooden Bridge in Styria/Austria
[092] H. Krenn, Th. Moosbrugger, Th. Bogensperger - The world's largest timber bridge
[093] Z. Zhang, X. Niao, D. Nie, W. He, B. Pei - Construction techniques of the arch ring of Panzhihua Baishagou Bridge
[094] L. Zhang, Z. Tian, H. Huang - Research on the super live load tests of Xiaowan Bridge in China
[095] Z. Tian, T. Peng, F. Ma, Y. Ding, L. Zhang - Dynamic control technique research of Dongping Bridge during the rotation stage
[096] B. Chen, Y. Wang, Q. Huang - New type of concrete arch bridge with corrugated steel webs
[097] A. De Luca, A. De Martino, F. Ricciardelli, G. Mautone - Replacement of ponte Don Bosco: a r.c. variable thickness skew vault in the urban environment
Steel tubular and CFST bridges |
[098] E. Siviero - Steel arches for small and medium span bridges
[099] Ph. Van Bogaert - Stability and node-detailing of tubular steel arch bridges
[100] W. Lu, Y. Sun, Z. Zhang, Z. Yu, L. He, M. Wang - A key technique of construction for Wuxia Yangtze River Bridge
[101] J. Wei, B. Chen - Estimation of dynamic response for highway CFST arch bridges
[102] Q. Wu, B. Chen, K. Takahashi - A finite element method for the geometric and material nonlinearities of concrete-filled steel tubular arches
[103] Y. Yang, B. Chen - Rigid-frame tied through concrete filled steel tubular arch bridge
[104] W. Huang, B. Chen - Spatial analysis of concrete filled steel tubular tied arch bridge
[105] W. Jieyun - Key construction technology of Hangzhou Qiantang River 4th Bridge Project of China
[106] D. Peng, M. Ning, Y. Chen - Tie bar design for a large span concrete-filled steel tubular arch bridge
[107] G. Peng, B. Chen - Design and construction of Hechang Bridge, Quanzhou, China
[108] S. Tang, W. Cai, B. Chen, G. Peng - Design and analysis of Xiyangping Bridge in Zhangzhou, China
[109] B. Fan, T. Mu, J. Liang - Researches on key techniques of Dongping Bridge in Fuoshan City, China
[110] T. Mu, B. Fan, X. Zheng, Y. Zheng, B. Xie - Wuxia Yangtze River Bridge in Wushan, China
[111] T. Mu, B. Fan, B. Xie Y. Zheng - Influence of de-fill on performance of concrete-filled steel tubular columns
[112] W. Hua, Y. Yao, W. Guo - Design of an arch bridge with spatial-triangle-ribs